Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Homeless distribution at Lake Eola Park- Orlando

March 8, 2011

In an effort to continue teaching American children about the needs of some people in our society, I have organized another distribution of lunch for the homeless at Lake Eola Park in Downtown Orlando, Florida.  The project consists of fourth and fifth graders preparing lunch (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with juice and chips) at Castle Creek Elementary School during their "Extended Day" after-school program.  The children and I prepared over 40 lunch bags for the homeless on Friday, March 4th, 2011, and distributed them the following day.  The distribution was excellent, and the children all continued to learn about the homeless in Orlando.  "The homeless people were cool.  They were nice and religious.  They're not like you'd expect them to be..." said one fourth grade student after the distribution.  I feel very proud to continue having this partnership with Castle Creek Elementary School's Extended Day program, since it teaches children to appreciate what they have.  It is also clear that Beyond the Wall will help everyone it can...not just the needy in Colombia.  I would like to thank Michelle Senquis, Christine Kreutzer, Verna Williford, the parents of the students that attended the distribution, and of course, all the children that participated in this project.